Sexy Arm Workout Part 3: 6-Minute Sexy Arms

Denise Austin by Denise Austin | July 20, 2020 | Workouts

It’s Part 3 of my Sexy Arm Series – today we are focusing on a back arm workout, so let’s do my Sexy Arm Workout Part 3: 6-Minute Sexy Arms! This sexy arm workout will sculpt, shape, tone, firm and lift your arms… it’s a back arm workout plus so much more!!

This 6-Minute Sexy Arms workout is not only effective for arms, but it will work the ab and the back muscles, too – helping to tighten that tummy and minimize back fat! As we get older, the arms and abs can really become “problem areas” for many women, but by doing consistent workouts like this sexy arm workout (and try this 10-Minute Yoga Abs Workout), you can really target tone these areas….so let’s do this back arm workout today!!

And the best way to really tone up, from head to toe, is when you have a PLAN – and my site has it all! I have a 10-Week Whole Body Plan that includes hundreds of workouts dedicated to your level of fitness, a customizable eating plan that gives you delicious, healthy, easy recipes for all your meals plus snacks, motivations to keep you going and weekly emails to keep you and your accomplishments on track! Thousands of women have lost weight, toned up and felt amazing after doing this 10-Week Plan, so give it a try! I think you’ll love it, and if you stick with it, you WILL see your body transform AND your outlook, sleep habits and energy levels improve!

And for more in my Sexy Arm workout series, don’t miss these:

Sexy Arm Workout Part 1: 3 Minutes to Trimmer Arms

Sexy Arm Workout Part 2: 4-Minute Firmer Arms

Let’s get fitter, together – inside and out,


Video Transcript: 6-Minute Sexy Arms
Six minutes to sexy arms. Let’s get started. Grab some weights and let’s begin. Beginning with our bicep curls. Make sure your elbows are nice in front of you. That’s it. And really linked in through the arms length in there you go. A great way to from the front of your arms, the biceps, why you’re doing this. I want you to pull in your abs. Really think good, strong core muscles. That’s it. Great. And think good posture. That alone is a great exercise. Pulling in the tummy naturally keeps it nice and flat. That’s it. Reeducating those Ab muscles at the same time. Firming up those sexy arms. Yes. Only six minutes. You can do it. Let’s go. Pump it up. Yes, you got it. Two more. Last one. Great. And now we’re gonna work the back of the arms. This is now pressing. That’s it. Really pull down that.

Pull down. Great. You got it. Really pull it down. Show me those arms. You got it. Great muscles. Work miracles on your metabolism. So that’s why we need those muscles in our arms. Yes, you’ll look great. Whatever you’re wearing, you’ll firm it up. You’ll look great and sexy. Yes. Don’t we all want that too? Okay, two more. Last one. Beautiful. Now I want you to bring your elbows up behind you and we’re going to twist it up and press in. That’s it. Just precedent. Make sure your palms are facing inward. Your back is strong and straight. Your abs are pulled in, and now we’re working the back of those arms, the triceps. That’s it. Wonderful. Now press it together. Pressing. Drop your shoulders. That’s it. You tuffle. You got it for the back of the arms. Two more. One more. Good. Now kick back in and press out.

Make sure the elbows stay up. Okay. See the elbow state. Don’t swing it. Then you’re cheating. That’s momentum. You want the muscle to do the work for you so you see the results. That beautiful, sexy, sculpted, toned arm. That’s right. We’re working the arms from all angles targeting those muscles. That’s it. Perfect. You got two more of these. Take your time to really use the muscles. That’s it. Last one. Perfect. Okay. Arms come up and pull the back down. Arms come up and pull down. That’s it. Great for those arms. Sexy, shapely arms. Great. Also, it helps improve your posture, having good, strong arms toned firm. That’s it. We got two more of these. The last one. Now we hold the arms up. You turn and rotate and open up. You turn a rotate and open up. This is an awesome exercise. Keep your arms up.

Don’t let them drop. Come on. That’s the exercise in itself. That’s it. Get them nice and toned and shapely. Sculpted arms. Yes. Great. Beautiful muscles. That’s it. He strong backs. Standing up nice and tall. We got two more. Really? Turn it over and release. Okay. Pull it over and out and over and out. Yes. Over like you’re striking this it. It’s a push and it’s a poor. Keep the other arm up. Now make sure God two more. That’s it. Like a bow and arrow. Last one. Hold that arm. Okay, pull here and reach out. That’s it. Pull here and doubt God and pull. That’s it. And straight and elbow and right. My little doggy. Two more. Last one. Pull it beautiful and hold it up. Hold it up. Hold up. Little baby lifts. C’mon. Keep it strong. Keep it up there. That’s it. Don’t drop your arms.

Here’s where it counts. That muscle conditioning, muscle toning. That’s it. Two more. Now press down. Press down. You got it? Press back back. Yes. That set Chris forward. You got it? Two more. Last one. Okay. Release. You did it. Wonderful. Can have a couple more moves. Here you go. You’re doing great though. I’m proud of you. Okay. Thinking about good posture. Hinge forward. Bring your elbows right down in front of you and lift and lower. Now work in the back of the shoulders as well as the back of the arms, but notice my back is strong. It’s straight. My neck is long. That’s it. Look straight out in front of you. That’s it. Beautiful smile. We’re burning some fat. We’re toning up our arms looking great, sexy arms in six minutes. If you could do it on a regular basis, you will see results in 21 days. I promise we got two more last one and release to shake it out. You did it six minutes to sexy arms.

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