Start Your Summer Workout Plan! - Denise Austin

Start Your Summer Workout Plan!

Denise Austin by Denise Austin | June 26, 2021 | Workouts

If you want to get fit for summer, then try this summer workout plan! It’s two simple steps that will give you everything you need to get fit and firm – and have fun – this summer.

Your 2-Step Summer Workout Plan

First, get my brand new Fit Over 50: Summer Slimmer! Magazine! This 100-page keepsake magazine is alllll about summer – how to make it healthy and enjoyable. It includes:

  • Morning stretches, to set a great tone for the day!
  • 40+ moves to help you tone and firm your body, for a sexy summer body!
  • 3-minute workouts that will help you burn fat and calories, banish cellulite, and look and feel your best!
  • A 7-day meal plan featuring fresh, seasonal foods.
  • Dozens of delicious recipes so you can eat healthy and enjoy your meals and snacks – all day long!
  • Healthy tips to make the most of your summer – from breathing exercises and sunscreen insight, to how to get better sleep summer beauty routines you can do at home!

And more – don’t wait, get your printed keepsake summer workout plan – it has everything you need to make the most of this summer!

Second, sign up for my FREE 14-Day Summer Slimmer Challenge! It kicks off July 5th, 2021, and it’s going to be sooooo much fun! My Summer Slimmer Challenge is the perfect summer workout plan for anyone who wants to kickstart their summer workout routine. You WILL look and feel amazing after you do this challenge! Sign up now for free, and you’ll get:

  • A daily beach-themed workout. These workouts help you burn calories, boost your metabolism, blast fat and more. Look for 20-minute plus workouts ranging from cardio and strength training to yoga… do these every day for 14 days, and you will look great in your swim suit this summer! It’s the perfect summer workout plan to follow for two weeks!
  • A daily booster move. These targeted moves are designed to really make an impact on those trouble spots. Learn how to do a proper Plank, for strong, sexy arms, or the Bicycle to really blast that belly fat.  Add these boosters and you will really firm up, slim down, and feel strong and healthy!
  • And if you are a member (you can start your 30-day free trial now!), you will also get daily beach tips (think fun DIY mocktail recipe videos, tips on preventing sun damage, and more!), PLUS summer slimmer tips – all designed to help you make the most of summer 2021!

So there you have it – your Summer Workout Plan is just waiting for you! Get my 100-page Fit Over 50: Summer Slimmer! Magazine, and sign up for my FREE 14-Day Summer Slimmer Challenge! It’s the one-two punch to help you get in shape and have a blast this summer!

Let’s get fitter, together – inside and out,




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