Tips For Overcoming Exercise Barriers

Denise Austin by Denise Austin | October 20, 2015 | Workouts

Overcoming Exercise Barriers - Denise Austin

Hi everyone!  What’s stopping you?!  Work deadlines, parent-teacher conferences, over-stresses, errands – it’s easy to let our busy schedules get in the way of regular exercise.  First step: Identify your exercise obstacles.  Then find ways to deal with them one by one.  Here are some simple solutions to get you started:

Problem: I don’t have time to exercise.

Solution: Who does?  We need to make exercise a TOP PRIORITY!  Successful exercisers make workouts integral parts of their daily routines.  So schedule daily appointments with yourself (write them down in your day planner or your calendar!) and treat them as you would a doctor’s appointment or business meeting – you’re going to be there, no ifs, ands or buts.

Problem: I have to take care of my family.

Solution: Plan fitness activities with your spouse and/or kids – walk after dinner for 5 min, ride a bike, play kickball, go ice-skating, or bowl.  Signing up for a class with your spouse can also be a great way to get your exercise in.  Try a yoga or beginners dance class you both can do together.  Have fun with it!

Problem: I’d rather spend time with friends.

Solution: Make exercise a social activity.  Organize a mixed-doubles tennis match, recruit friends for a hike or long walk or join a local bicycle club with your buddies.

Problem: I’m too tired.

Solution: OK – then just exercise for five minutes.  You owe yourself that.  Chances are, though, if you make it through five minutes, you’ll make it through 10, and before you know it, your whole workout!  Those first five minutes are always the hardest, but you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish once you start.  You can avoid lethargy by making sure you have plenty of fuel – grab an energy-boosting snack like plain Greek yogurt or a banana.

Problem: I’m just not motivated enough.

Solution: Find an exercise buddy.  Research shoes that having a dedicated partner makes you more likely to stick with an exercise program.  You won’t skip your power walk or date at the gym if your friend is waiting for you on the corner!  Afterward, you’ll feel doubly great because you not only had a great workout, but you also overcame procrastination.  It takes a little effort, but you can do it!

Love always from Your Personal Trainer,


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